Turbo Charge Your Team for 2015 - Accord Services

The whole is greater than the sum of parts. Nurturing your team to flourish will reap rewards for any organisation. Here are some tips to help your team flourish.

Purpose and Meaning at Work. A crucial element of effective teams is a clear shared vision that everyone knows and is committed to. Everyone needs to feel they are making a difference. A sense of purpose is a powerful motivator. Let your team clearly see the value of what they are doing – in a larger sense, not just in financial terms. Let your team feel pride in their success. What is the vision that your team is working towards?

Intelligent Leadership. Lead by example. If you notice negative traits in your team, check to see you are not exhibiting these same traits. Use your strengths to bring out the best in others. Focus only on your strengths, not
your weaknesses. Ensure you communicate with your team on a regular basis. Regular supportive communication helps the team to remain focused. Ensure you nurture your team so they have a sense of belonging.

Control. Allow your team to work on a whole project, not just parts of the project. Explain the end result and importance of the project. Focus on the results attaching to the project, not on the specific tasks of the project. Let your team control the project from start to finish so they can feel a sense of accomplishment.

Training. Training makes financial sense and provides a sense of accomplishment to members of the team. Research shows a return of 10 to 30 times the initial financial investment in training, no matter what a team or individual learns.

Respect. When your team achieves, show you appreciation. Let your team see you respect for their achievement, and make sure others see it as well.

This article is intended as a point of reference and should not be relied on as a substitute for professional advice. Specialist advice should always be sought in relation to any particular circumstances and no liability will be accepted for any losses incurred by those relying solely on this article.