by Wendy Macphail | Mar 1, 2013 | Accord News, Positive Pyschology
“To be excellent we cannot simply think or feel excellent, we must act excellently” Aristotle. Do you have some habits that stop you acting in an ‘excellent way’, either at work or home? Do you need to work on adopting some positive habits to assist you to achieve...
by Wendy Macphail | Jan 1, 2013 | Accord News, Positive Pyschology
Modern neuroscience and positive psychology show us that increasing your employee’s happiness will have more impact on your business than almost any other factor. Research overwhelming confirms that happy workers have higher levels of productivity, produce higher...
by Wendy Macphail | Dec 1, 2012 | Accord News, Human Resources, Positive Pyschology
For years we have been told that happiness was a consequence of success. If we work hard enough at our jobs, we will be successful and if we are successful we will be happy. Thanks to research in the areas of neuroscience and positive psychology we now know the...
by Wendy Macphail | Oct 1, 2012 | Accord News, Human Resources, Positive Pyschology
In his book the “Living Dead”, David Bolchover states that one in 5 employees has had sex in the workplace, and one in 3 has taken a Class A drug at work. Further, one in 6 employees admits to “constantly” surfing the web on matters totally unrelated to work. Other...
by Wendy Macphail | Sep 1, 2012 | Accord News, Employment Law, Human Resources
The Employment Court recently held that a dismissal for incompatibility based on an employee’s confrontational and belittling behaviour at work was justified – Walker v ProCare Health Ltd. ProCare employed Ms Walker for approximately 2 years, and she was the Company’s...