by Wendy Macphail | May 1, 2014 | Employment Law, Human Resources
So you have worked very hard and nurtured your business carefully and finally you have got to the next big step of taking on someone to help you. This is another steep learning curve for the uninitiated. This next step can assist your business to soar or to crumble....
by Wendy Macphail | May 1, 2014 | Accord News, Employment Law, Human Resources
In New Zealand, it is not an easy process to terminate an employee’s employment if they are unsuitable for a role. For this reason, if you are an employer, spend the time to ensure you offer employment to the best possible candidate for the role. We suggest using a...
by Wendy Macphail | Apr 30, 2014 | Accord News, Employment Law
New Zealand’s biggest health and safety reform in 20 years is one step closer. The object of the changes is to improve New Zealand’s appalling record in workplace safety. The independent task-force, set up following the Pike River tragedy, reviewed the state of New...
by Wendy Macphail | Mar 1, 2014 | Accord News, Employment Law, Human Resources
Alpine Energy Ltd was ordered to hand over the names, CVs, qualifications and reference information attaching to job applicants, to an unsuccessful applicant who claimed he had been discriminated against (refer Waters v Alpine Energy Ltd, 20 February 2014). Mr Waters...
by Wendy Macphail | Feb 1, 2014 | Accord News, Employment Law, Human Resources
As a rule, conduct by an employee out of work hours does not justify disciplinary action unless there is a material connection between the conduct and damage to the employer. Scenarios where an employee’s off duty conduct gives rise to employment concerns include:...