by Wendy Macphail | Jan 10, 2014 | Accord News
Far too frequently problems occur in the workplace as a result of a lack of listening. This lack of listening may involve an employee not listening to an employer, an employer not listening to an employee, or an employee not listening to one of their colleagues. It is...
by Wendy Macphail | Dec 1, 2013 | Accord News, Positive Pyschology
When our mental wellbeing increases, so does our productivity, creativity, empathy, physical health and resilience. Further, risks of mental and physical health are reduced. Latest research in positive psychology shows us that optimal mental health correlates strongly...
by Wendy Macphail | Nov 1, 2013 | Accord News, Employment Law, Human Resources
A recent case Hallwright v Forsyth Barr Ltd has provided further insight into the court’s approach to misconduct occurring outside the workplace. Misconduct outside the workplace may justify a dismissal. However, employers should take care to act reasonably in the...
by Wendy Macphail | Oct 1, 2013 | Accord News, Employment Law, Human Resources, Positive Pyschology
One of the most rewarding ways to increase your organisations’ productivity is to increase your own happiness and then the happiness of your employees. Ground-breaking research shows us that happy people are more creative, solve problems more effectively and...
by Wendy Macphail | Sep 1, 2013 | Accord News, Employment Law, Human Resources
A restraint of trade clause in an employment agreement may be used to prevent an employee competing with an employer, and be used to restrict an employee from soliciting an employer’s clients, suppliers and employees. Without a clause expressly setting out the terms...